Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Cocks
Miss Murdock
Welcome to Year 4
Mrs Cocks teaches 4C. and Miss Murdock teaches 4M
We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey together and have lots of exciting activities planned along the way.
Autumn 1st Half Term.
PE Days.
4C : Outdoor : Friday
Indoor : Wednesday ( Swimming from 11th Sept)
4WM : Outdoor : Friday
Indoor : Wednesday
When it is a PE day, children are to come into school wearing their PE kits and training shoes. If your child wears ear rings, please remove them for PE days.
Handwriting support : We have loaded the handwriting booklets onto the home learning page, so that you can see how we teach the letter formation and joins at St Luke's.
Keyboard skills: To help your child improve their speed and accuracy in typing, follow this link:Speed Up Your Keyboard Skills!
Home Learning: These tasks can now be found by clicking on the button 'Home Learning' located just above this message! Or click here to access the page.