Ofsted, March 2024: “This is a school where pupils learn to be themselves, to respect difference and to speak out when they see injustice….Pupils respond to the school’s high expectations for their academic outcomes….Pupils’ excellent behaviour means that staff can focus on the joy of teaching.” Ofsted, March 2024.

Home Learning


This week during maths, we have continued to practise telling the time  (writing time in words and drawing hands on a clock face), in 5 minute intervals including 5 minutes past and 5 minutes to the hour. The children were also introduced to writing digital times also. We will continue to practise this next week, but ongoing daily reinforcement as part of daily life is also essential, so any extra practice at home is greatly appreciated! 

This week's Home Learning task is a booklet of a variety of time based questions and can be found inside your child's Home Learning book. This Home Learning task can be completed over two weeks, so no need to return this until Wednesday 22nd May. We have set time tasks on Doodle too, but please don't feel the need to complete them all!

Weekly spellings can be found inside your child's Home Learning book. 

Thank you for your support, as always, 

The Year Two Team 


During maths this week, we have been practising telling the time on analogue clocks. The children haved been revising o'clock and half past and have also been introduced to quarter to and quarter past times, as well as telling the time to 5 minutes. Time is always a trickier concept and does require lots of time to practise and overlearn! Keep practising as much as possible at home. The expectation is that children can tell the time and draw hands on a clock face to show time also. We have been thrilled with their efforts telling the time and drawing times this week. 

This week's maths task is set as assignments on Doodle to reinforce our learning this week of tellign the time. Weekly spelling sheets can be found inside your child's Home Learning book.

Thank you for your support.

The Year 2 Team 




During maths this week, we have continue with our topic of 3D shape.  We have been sorting shapes into groups based on their properties (e.g. shapes of faces), making 3D structures and identifying 3D shapes. We have also been reinforcing key methods during arithemtic time. This week's Home Learning task is further arithmetic reinforcmement. Please remind your child to set out column method and draw bars or plates to divide 'peas on a plate' for fractions of amounts. Peas on a plate can also be used as a visual for multiplication and division questions too.  Next week, we will be moving onto learning to tell the time, starting with revision of o'clock and half past. 

Weekly spellings can be found inside your child's Home Learning book. 

Thank you for your support, 

The Year 2 Team 



Welcome back! We hope you all had a great Easter break. The children have been loving our new topic 'Plague and Fire' and have impressed us with their quality questions and facts about the 'Great Fire of London'. This half term's Home Learning grid has been put into the front cover of your child's Home Learning book and a copy is also uplodaded below. We can't wait to see what you all choose to do! 

During maths this week, we have been practising identifing, grouping and describing the properties of 3D shapes, using the vocabulary curved surface (s), vertex, verticies, edges and faces. We have set assignments on Doodle for this week's maths task. The login for Doodle is in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book. Any problems accessing this, please let us know. 

Weekly spellings can also be found in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book. 

Thank you for your supoort,

The Year 2 Team 



During maths this week, we have been practising moving shapes around a grid e.g. 2 steps right and 4 steps up. We have also been reinforcing our knowledge of turns from Year 1 (half, quarter, three quarter turns) both clockswise and anti-clockwise, in addition applying this to rotating shapes around a grid. Further practical reinforcement of turns at home would be beneficial. 

Maths Home Learning this week is further arithmetic skills reinforcmement. Please find a sheet inside your child's Home Learning book, along with weekly spellings.

Many thanks for your continued support, 
The Year 2 Team 



During maths this week, we have begun our topic of 2D shapes. The children have been investigating shapes: naming them, identifying how many sides and vertices they have, sorting the shapes into groups e.g. quadrilaterals and polygons and also finding and drawing lines of symmetry. 

This week's maths tasks is further arithmetic practice encourage your child to show column method for addition and subtraction calculations and 'peas on a plate' for division and fractions of amounts questions. We have also set some shape assignments on Doodle (lots of children have been requesting more!). 

Weekly spelling sheets can be found inside your child's Home Learning book too and remmeber to take a look at this week's chosen Borrow Book. 

Thank you for your support,

The Year 2 Team 


During maths this week, we continued with our topic of money, covering trickier aspects oincluding working out 'total costs, finding change and solving word problems too. Solving word problems really does require the children to be secure with our Y2 arithmetic methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This week's Home Learning tasks is a variety of mixed arithmetic style questions for continued reinforcement of our methods. We practise these methods each day during Morning Motivator too. Please encourage your child to show column method for addition and subtraction calculations and 'peas on a plate' for division and fractions of amounts questions.

Weekly spellings can be found inside the front cover of your child's Home Learning book. Remember to take a look at this week's Borrow Book too! 

Thank you for your support, 

The Year 2 Team 




This week during maths, the children have continued to work hard on our topic of money. The children have been practising exchanging coins and notes for different coins and notes and had the challenge of creating amounts with a specific number of coins e.g. show show £1.50 using 4 coins. We have also been calculating  total amounts (just like you would do at the shops!) These money games are useful for extra practice at home 

Maths Home Learning this week, is a variety of maths word problems, with a focus of money. Please encourage your child to show their working out. 

Weekly spellings can also be found in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book.

Thank you for your support, 

The Year 2 Team 







Welcome back! We hope you had an enjoyable and restful half term! 

The children have come back full of enthusiasm for our Superheroes topic! This week during maths, we have begun our topic of money. The children have been practising recognising coins and notes, counting money (in pounds and pence) and writing how much money using the £ and p symbols e.g. (£3.50). We have also been discussing how we can make equal amounts using combinations of different coins and notes. Any practical experience at home with this would be extremely beneficial. 

For Home Learning  this week, we have set a money assignment on Doodle and have also put a money word problems worksheet in your child's Home Learning book. The finding change question may be a challenge at this point. Encourage your child to pick out numbers and key words in the questions and show their working out in their Home Learning book. 

Weekly spellings are also inside the front cover of your child's Home Learning book along with this half term's Home Learning grid. We can't wait to see which activities you choose (reading comprehensions are in the files section below). 

Thank you for  your support, 

The Year Two Team




During maths this week, we have continued our topic of fractions. The children have been practising finding fractions of amounts (half, third and quarters), using 'peas on a plate' method e.g 1/2 of 12: draw 2 plates and share 12 dots/'peas' equally. How many ''peas' on one plate? We have also been practising splitting a bar up as an alternative to plates e.g one bar split in half and sharing the 'peas' into each half. Different children preferred different methods depending how confident they felt splitting the 'bar' up into parts. Ask your child to show you their preferred method! 

For this week's maths task, you will find some fractions related assignments on Doodle and there is also a fractions worksheet in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book for reinforcement. 

Weekly spellings can also be found in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book. 

Thank you for your support,

The Year 2 Team



This week during maths we have begun our topic of fractions, exploring halves, quarters and thirds. The children explored folding a cutting paper into different equal parts, into halves, quaerters and thirds. We have been practising shading in fractions of shapes and writing fractions for 1/2, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/3,2/3 and one whole.  Please continue to reinfroce writing fractions and using the correct assosiated vocabulary in everyday life (e.g. cutting toast): equal parts, one half, one quarter, two quarters, three quarters, one  third, two third, one whole. 

For this week's maths Home Learning, we have set 'assignments' on Doodle. Your child's login for this is in the front cover of their Home Learning book. When you login, you will see a 'my assignments' button on the 'learn' screen with . Weekly spellings can also be found in the front cover of your child's Home Learnimg book. 

Thank you  for your support, 

The Year Two Team 


This week during maths, we have been gathering data and presenting this date in tables, tally charts, pictograms and bar diagrams. The children have answered questions about the most and least popular attributes, found the difference between two attributes (using a subtraction), worked out totals anThis week's maths task is  further reinforcement of this learning. You will find a sheet 'favourite types of food' inside your child's Home Learning book. Weekly spellings can also be found in your child's Home Learning book. 

Inside the front cover of your child's Home Learning book, you will see a new login card for 'Doodle'. If you use a tablet/ iPad or phone, download the Doodle Learning app. The children will be having an initial go at logging in and practising with the activities in school next week, with a view of utililising this at home from the following week. 

Best wishes, 

The Year 2 Team 


Happy New Year! The children have been working exceptionally hard since their return and enjoying our new topic 'Once upon a time'. We have put a copy of this half term's Home Learning Grid in the front of your child's Home Learning book. It is always wonderful to see the variety of activities that come back into school! 

During maths this week, we have been continuing our work on 'measure'. The children have been measuring mass in grams and kilograms, using balance scales to compare the mass of objects and have been practising using the scale on weighing scales to record the mass of an object (g and kg). We have also been working on  reading thermometers to record and compare temperatures. Please continue to practise at any opportunity at home! You will a copy of this week's maths task in the front cover of your child's Home Learning book; a variety of word problems. Please encourage your child to underline key numbers and words and show thier working out for each question. 

Weekly spellings can also be found in your child's Home Learning book. Take a look at which book your child has chosen as their Borrow Book. They always look forward to bringing this book home and sharing it with you! 

Thank you for your support.

The Year Two Team



During maths this week, we have continued to work on our knowledge of measuring length in centimetres and metres.The chuldren have practised using a ruler to draw lines of various lengths and have continued to work on selecting appropriate units of measure.  This week's maths task is times tables practice. You will find a sheet inside the front cover of your child's Home Learning book. TT Rockstars is also a great option for continuous reinforcement! 

Spellings have not been sent home this week as we would like the children to continue working on their own individual spellings of Y1 and 2 Common Exception Words.

Thank you for your support, 

The Year Two Team 




During maths, we have been working on our measuring skills! The children have been using metre sticks to measure in metres and rulers to measure in centimetres. We discussed the most appropriate unit of measure for different objects, and compared two measurements using < and > signs. Please see the slip inside your child's Home Learning book explaining the maths task this week. You will also find your child's spellings inside their Home Learning book too.

Have a great weekend and happy measuring!

The Year Two Team


In maths, the children have worked really hard this week, using their multipilication facts to help them answer division questions. We have practised dividing by 2, 5 and 10, looking at how we can divide into groups or share between groups. We have also been creating multiplication and division fact families and solving multiplication and division word problems. 

Maths Home Learning this week, is an arithemitic sheet. Please encourage your child to show their working out, using column method where appropriate. 

Borrow Books are now being changed on Wednesday as we have time in class to browse the Borrow Book library. Read Write Inc books will continue to be changed on a Friday. Please see your child's Home Learning book for this week's spellings.

Thank you for your support, 

The Year Two Team 


We've had a busy week in Maths!

We have continued to learn our times tables, especially 'quick fire' random multiplication facts when playing 'shoot out'! The children have LOVED playing this simple game - maybe ask your child to show you how to play? We have also now moved onto division (also called grouping and sharing). We will be continuing division into next week.

For Maths home learning this week there is an arithmetic sheet. Please encourage your child to use column method if appropiate.

Many thanks

The Year 2 team 



In Maths this week we have contiued to learn about multiplication. In particular the x2, x5 and x10 tables. The children have done really well and have particularly enjoyed the Percy Parker songs! For Maths home learning this week we would like the children to start learning their times tables. The Y2 tables are x2, x5 and x10. If you feel your child is confident with these, including random quick fire questions, then please progress to x3 and x4 (as these help with fractions of quantities which come later on in the year).

Remember Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) is a great resource to help the children become more confident with their tables. (The login details can be found in the front of their home learning book). The Percy Parker songs can be found on YouTube.

Many thanks for your continued support!

The Year 2 team




The children have returned to school well rested, ready for the busy term ahead!

In our maths lessons this week we have started to learn about multiplication! In Year 2 the children are expected (by the end of the year) to know their x2, x5 and x10 tables along with the associated division facts. Times tables are a key mathematical skill so please help the children to learn them. We have found that Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) is a great resource and teaching aid, log ins can be found in the front of home learning books.

Maths home learning this week is a sheet of column addition and subtraction - as the children are still consolidating their understanding of this method. 

A new home learning grid for this half term will also be placed in home learning books (also available below) along with weekly spellings.





Files to Download

to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692